{% extends "sample_base.html" %} {% load static %} {% load crispy_forms_tags %} {% block title %} Samples Orders {% endblock title %} {% block Style %} {% endblock Style %} {% block MainContent %}
{% if messages %} {% for message in messages %} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% if request.user.is_superuser == True %} {% include 'sample_app/sample_order/index/super_admin_index.html' %} {% endif %} {% if request.user.user_type == 'Mother_Organization_admin' %} {% include 'merchandising/sample_section/index/mother_admin_index.html' %} {% endif %} {% if request.user.user_type == 'Sister_Organization_admin' %} {% include 'merchandising/sample_section/index/sister_admin_index.html' %} {% endif %} {% if request.user and request.user.user_type != 'Sister_Organization_admin' and request.user.user_type != 'Mother_Organization_admin' and request.user.is_superuser != True %} {% include 'merchandising/sample_section/index/merchant_admin.html' %} {% endif %} {% if sample_order_list %}

Samples Order

{% for sample_order in sample_order_list %} {% endfor %}
SL No Style Number Sample Category Material Status Order Date Present Action Status Action
{{forloop.counter}} {{ sample_order.style.style_number }} {{ sample_order.category }} {{ sample_order.material_status }} {{ sample_order.section_submission_date }} {{ sample_order.present_action_status }}
{% if sample_order_list.has_other_pages %} {% endif %}
{% else %}

No Data Found

{% endif %} {% endblock MainContent %} {% block meassage %} {% include 'notifications/notifications.html' %} {% endblock meassage %} {% block JS %} {% endblock JS %}